Google Penalty Recovery 

When do I need Google Penalty Recovery Services? 
Has business seemed a little slow lately? You might be noticing an unexplained drop in traffic or sales, with less conversions and customers coming your way. When this happens, it’s time to call in the experts. If you’re worried that your site isn’t performing as well as before, enlist our Google penalty removal experts so you can wipe the slate clean and be on your way again.
With search algorithms constantly changing, it can be easy for businesses to unknowingly go against Google’s rules and end up being penalised. This means your website’s SEO ranking will suddenly drop and your business will appear lower in search engine result pages (SERPs), making it harder for customers to find you.
Get in touch with us at Kia Ora and ask us about a full SEO audit today. We’ll have your website back on track in no time.
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What kind of Google SEO penalties are there? 
Every time Google releases another update to its algorithms, its rules for SEO change. There are all kinds of Google SEO penalties that can affect your site’s traffic and overall search ranking, such as:
Poor website speed
Google wants to see a mobile speed score of 50/100 or more as it’s starting to penalise sites that are under 50. If your page is slow to load, you’re likely to lose customers and conversions as this makes for a poor user experience. To prevent this from happening, we provide speed optimisation services.
Poor navigation
How easy is it to navigate your site? Are there outdated links that no longer work, redirecting your customers to a 404 Error? If you haven’t kept your links updated, this can affect your site’s ranking. Google assesses content to make sure it’s timely and up-to-date. Also, check your URLs. Longwinded, messy URLs tend to get penalised, too. It’s important to make sure they’re relatively short, to the point, and make use of relevant keywords.
Not mobile-friendly
Most people search the web from their phone, so you’ll need to make sure your site is mobile-friendly for a range of devices, including smartphones and tablets. If it’s slow to load on these devices, you’ll lose potential customers quickly.
Have you optimised your images for the web? Large, high-res images are slow to load and not particularly search-friendly, therefore slowing down your website and affecting your Core Web Vitals. This also extends to features like sliders and banners. Images will need to be compressed to allow for a seamless user experience.
Keyword stuffing
This one’s as old as time itself, and comes from the old-school SEO belief that more is, well, more. But it’s like with anything – if someone mentions something over and over again you’re bound to get sick of it, and Google knows this. It therefore penalises websites that cram multiple keywords into a short amount of space, making sure that users enjoy easier access to high-quality content that’s useful and relevant.
Duplicate content
Google assesses your content for overall quality, originality, truthfulness and good grammar. It prioritises unique content that’s been tailored to the user, and will be quick to penalise text that has been copied and pasted across your site (this is called cannibalisation). In Google’s eyes, this is just lazy. It’s about providing users with unique, high-quality content that’s obviously had some thought and care put into it. Your customers will appreciate this, and so does Google.
Poor navigation and broken links
How easy is your site to navigate? Are there any dead links that no longer work? Google assesses your content to make sure it’s timely, relevant and up-to-date. If you haven’t kept your links updated, this can affect your site’s ranking.
Shady link building
Some sites use underhanded tactics to increase their online ranking. This might involve paying for links on other websites to create backlinks, or hiding internal links through your website (specifically to target crawlers). Search engines frown upon these unethical techniques.
Here at Kia Ora, our team of Google penalty checkers will re-index your site and bring your content back up to scratch. We’ll also keep track of key SEO KPIs to help manage your progress while increasing your revenue.
The Benefits of Google Penalty Recovery 
Each time Google releases a new update, the digital landscape changes and your business can lose potential revenue. We’ve seen it time and time again with the release of updates such as Google Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird.
More recently, there’s been the game-changing Broad Core update and Google MUM (Multitask Unified Model) – the biggest change since the introduction of Google BERT. Each of these updates reconfigures search algorithms and prioritises different web features.
At Kia Ora, our experienced team is always keeping abreast of emerging patterns and trends within the digital sphere, and we know how to navigate these changes. With our team of Google penalty checkers on your side, we’ll keep you one step ahead and ready for business. Let us worry about the technical stuff so you can focus on what you do best: running your business.
Reclaim your Site Rankings